HUA was established in 1991 and is composed of 3 Schools, ~160 faculty members and ~15,000 students. According to Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022, HUA was ranked the best University in Greece, among the thirteen (13) Greek Institutions being placed in the 351-400 series among the 1662 Universities. Department of Geography was established in 1999, having as a main task to serve the educational and research needs of HUA in the fields of both physical and human geography. The Dept.of Economics and Sustainable Development was established in 1993 aiming to promote scientific knowledge and research on subjects related to the economics, sustainability and the management of the natural and cultural environment.
YETITMOVES is an Italian company, headquartered in EUCENTRE – University of Pavia, whose mission is the scientific research, design, development, production and marketing of innovative and high technology solutions and services in the field of Geomatics. YETITMOVES boasts a consolidated experience in GNSS data processing for high precision static and kinematic positioning applications.
Since its foundation, YETITMOVES collaborates with EUCENTRE (European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering) participating in international research projects, also with funding from the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA). YETITMOVES develops and commercializes innovative, easy to use and low-cost solutions, realized according to the most advanced practices of Geomatics.
Cloudeo AG was founded in the year 2012 and has its headquarters in Germany. Cloudeo’s management and personnel team is made up of senior scientists, engineers, and IT professionals with remarkable experiences in the Earth Observation industry and geospatial products and services. The main office is in Munich with a growing international team of currently 20 employees. Cloudeo operates a unique, vendor independent, data agnostic market platform through which customers can obtain professional geoinformation services from leading national and international providers at low cost. Services include dedicated solutions for many industries; such as agriculture, urban and landscape planning, logistics, telecommunications, and water management.
Customers are provided with high resolution imagery, 3D terrain models, thematic maps, and sensor data for a wide range of applications. All of which can be combined with a large selection of software packages, analytics and IT that facilitate the processing of these data. Cloudeo makes it easy for partners to enter the market on a local, national or international basis. Our cloud-based platform empowers new business models while enabling production automation, delivery, and administration. For these reasons it is cost-effective, transparent and reliable. Cloudeo has an experienced team of IT- and geo-experts, with years of experience in hosted geoprocessing in distributed environments, following quality processes and ECSS standards.
Cloudeo Hellas is a geo market platform offering access to high-quality, ready-to-use data from industry leaders worldwide. From geospatial data and software to application services and Consulting. cloudeo Hellas is the first and biggest geospatial solutions marketplace, where users and providers are connected seamlessly.
CloudFerro Ltd (PL) is a professional company whose core business is in providing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions. CloudFerro is located in Warsaw, Poland. As a technological SME, CloudFerro team includes a group of over 80 experienced IT and telecommunications managers, system administrators, software developers, support engineers, system engineers, and project managers. CloudFerro team began to provide cloud services in 2012 under the 24admins logo. In 2015 this growing activity was transformed into a dedicated company (CloudFerro Sp z o.o.) and its initial team was joined by experienced business developers and managers.
CloudFerro provides public, private and hybrid cloud services for businesses, public institutions and other IT operators. The IaaS offer is based on an open-source cloud system – OpenStack. CloudFerro provides a full suite of cloud services like Virtual Machines, storage: volume (HDD, SSD) and object, virtual networks, virtual appliances like firewalls or VPNs. It also provides dedicated/bare metal servers for selected applications. CloudFerro specializes in big (PetaByte range) storage solutions. CloudFerro has built and maintain several cloud platforms, where services are offered at the highest level.
PLANETGIS SKY s.r.l is a new business endeavor aiming at serving the needs of the national and global markets through focused, innovative, efficient, quality products and services in all areas of spatial technology and applications. The company brings horizontal and vertical integration of Satellite/Aerial Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Positioning Applications, GIS Databases and Applications, GIS Web-services and 3d Modelling. PLANETGIS SKY has executed challenging for Remote Sensing Applications, Data Integration, Photogrammetry, GPS Applications and GIS Development.
PLANETGIS SKY Even if it’s a young company it’s growing fast and has a technical team, who bring with them more than 10 years of experience in spatial technology fields. The team has professional contacts with some of the best international companies and agencies and partners at national and international level to leverage business solutions and benefits. The PLANETGIS SKY team, with its vast experience and expertise, provides the company the strength to offer innovative, quality and effective solutions to all sectors of government, private enterprise, academia and non- governmental organizations. Our company focus is on Utilities, Land Administration, Geological Mapping, Earth Observation, and Location based Services.
UB is one of the most important scientific research centres nationwide. It was founded by the Decree no. 765 of July 4th,1864 by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza and is a leading academic centre and a significant point of reference in society. Within the University, there are over 50 research institutes, departments and centres, most of them collaborating with similar scientific centres abroad. The QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Rankings placed the University of Bucharest among the top 801-1000 universities worldwide and in the first position among Romanian universities. The University of Bucharest is the only Romanian university in the top QS – Employability, ranking 301-500 worldwide. The UB ranks 42nd in the QS – Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Ranking.
The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) conducts observations and research on the atmosphere, cryosphere, the near space and the seas. It also provides services on weather, sea, air quality, climate and near space. FMI is an administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland, with ca. 700 employees in within the country.
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) was established in 1836, being the oldest Technical University of Greece. It is composed of 9 Schools, ~510 faculty members, ~4,100 external collaborators and ~24,000 students. According to QS World Universities Ranking 2021, NTUA is one of the leading academic institution in Greece and the only one in the top 400 institutions worldwide. The Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSLab) was established in November 1987, having as its main task to serve the educational and research needs of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering (SRSE) of NTUA, in the field of Remote Sensing and its application to addressing critical global challenges such as food security, climate change, satellite and aerial EO etc.
ULUND is one of the largest research organisations in Northern Europe and has a strong profile in the environmental sciences and global change studies. It is frequently ranked among the top 20 in the world for geography in the QS World University Rankings. The Dept. of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES) enjoys an international reputation as a center for multi-disciplinary studies of ecosystem-atmosphere interactions. Department’s research focuses on issues relating to the development of an understanding of the impacts of changes in climate and atmospheric composition on terrestrial ecosystems and the feedback mechanisms on climate from these ecosystem processes. It hosts or contributes to the leadership of numerous excellence centers and research networks within Earth system science, e.g. the Swedish node of the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and the ICOS Carbon Portal.
AgFutura Technologies (AGFT) is a technology and service provider in the area of monitoring and advisory in crop management with strong research and innovation experience as well as capacity building experience in the agro food sector. AGFT has significant R&I infrastructure for testing, validation and demonstration of innovative solutions in the agro food value chain. The company’s expert capacity is consisted of highly educated professionals in agriculture, agronomy, agro-economy, farm business development, project development and executions. The company has established one central living lab and 11 demonstration fields used for application, demonstration and capacity building of wide range of data based crop management practices. Website:
ALTUS LSA is a pioneering technology company in Greece specializing in the design and manufacturing of drones, providing solutions for defence, security, and industrial applications. The company offers services and support on both a European and global scale. Its expertise spans across several key areas, including maritime and land border surveillance, aerial intelligence gathering, ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance), environmental applications, disaster management, GIS applications, critical infrastructure monitoring, Search and Rescue missions, and many other fields.
INNOV-ACTS LTD is a unique ICT and business consulting firm, a highly skilled and trustful business partner that helps you excel in the era of globalization, technology acceleration and climate change. Our team of world class experts enables you to take advantage of leading edge ICT technologies (Cloud Computing, Internet-of-Things, BigData, CyberSecurity) and relevant business models in order to improve your competitiveness and business results.

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The 2025 EGU General Assembly will feature several sessions dedicated to cryospheric sciences, including
CR4.1 – Permafrost state and evolution
CR4.2 – Disturbance processes in permafrost regions
CR4.3 – Surface and subsurface hydrology in permafrost environments
Our latest study compares InSAR SWE retrievals using ALOS2 with in situ data and SnowModel over the challenging boreal forest. Discover how temperature and vegetation impact L-band InSAR performance for snow monitoring! ❄️
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